My three months of internship at HD Vision Systems have flown by. The German graphic represents the most important points I take away from my internship in communication and marketing.

I learned how important it is in a small company to support each other and work as a team. Internal communication plays a central role in this. Only when tasks are communicated correctly, are all employees able to carry them out reliably. It is also important in a small company to go beyond oneself, to face new challenges and to jump over one’s own shadow. Often you can do more than you thought you could.
B2B blogging and analytics
Two big topics during my internship were writing blog posts and evaluating various analyses. Blogging involved me diving into often complex subjects and explaining them in as understandable a way as possible. Some examples of my work are the post on focal length selection, bin picking challenges and software development.
The analyses involved the evaluation of internal surveys, but also the design, implementation and evaluation of a brand analysis. In addition, I dedicated myself to Google Analytics and the analysis of LinkedIn activities.
In summary, I can say that I was quickly accepted into the entire HD Vision team and that the internship was very educational for me.