by HD Vision Systems | 27. May 2021
The use of robots has long made our everyday lives easier. Companies worldwide use more than 2.7 million industrial robots. They work quickly, take on tasks that seem too monotonous for us, or perform processes that are too dangerous for humans. However, industrial...
by HD Vision Systems | 20. May 2021
When we learn a new skill, the neural network of our brain strengthens existing synaptic connections and forms new ones between neurons. The more synapses are generated during the learning process and strengthened by repeated recalling, the better the learning...
by HD Vision Systems | 18. May 2021
In Machine Vision, many companies are still unfamiliar with the light field. HD Vision Systems is now taking action to change this: The machine vision specialist is now offering a one-day workshop to get to know the technology and its advantages directly in your own...
by HD Vision Systems | 13. May 2021
Who hasn’t experienced it? One of your software offers an update, you download the new version – and nothing works anymore. A call to support confirms it: An undetected software error has brought the new version to a standstill. The development team is...